søndag 30. juni 2013
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onsdag 19. juni 2013
Have indulged myself to start a new project
After being good, I think, and sorted through scrapbins I got some fabrics out to start on a new quilt.
Really enjoying this.
Started to cut fabrics right away.
Found this so much fun, got half of the blocks sewed together in just two days.
Rest of the blocks is cut and ready for marking, some more cutting and sewing.
Really enjoying this.
Started to cut fabrics right away.
Found this so much fun, got half of the blocks sewed together in just two days.
Rest of the blocks is cut and ready for marking, some more cutting and sewing.
Pure bliss. Sometimes a quilt comes together like it was ment to be long before it was even thought about.
Happy Summer Quilting
tirsdag 4. juni 2013
...is flying by when you are having fun.
The weather has been fantastic here. That is until yesterday, now it is cold and lots of rain.
I am working on some new projects, don't have any photos yet. So for now I'll show some things that where made a few weeks ago.
This is going to be put on my kitchentable when quilted. Used EPP for the carpenters wheel center.
Yellow fabric is from a secondhand pillowcase, outer border is a thick linen.
This is a crib quilt currently being handquilted. I'll show all of it when it is finished.
I'll get off to do some more sewing, can't wait to see how it is going to look.
Happy Quilting
The weather has been fantastic here. That is until yesterday, now it is cold and lots of rain.
I am working on some new projects, don't have any photos yet. So for now I'll show some things that where made a few weeks ago.
This is going to be put on my kitchentable when quilted. Used EPP for the carpenters wheel center.
Yellow fabric is from a secondhand pillowcase, outer border is a thick linen.
This is a crib quilt currently being handquilted. I'll show all of it when it is finished.
I'll get off to do some more sewing, can't wait to see how it is going to look.
Happy Quilting
mandag 20. mai 2013
Scrapbins are full
I have two baskets that I put scraps in. Couldn't get any more in them, thought it was time to figure out what to do with some of the scraps. First I started to sort out the pieces, and put them in plasticbags. Strips will be used in log cabin quilts, odd bits for applique or EPP. Triangles were also put in a bag.
Started sewing HST of the triangles. Squared them up to a 2" size.
Started sewing HST of the triangles. Squared them up to a 2" size.
Then adding row by row untill I was happy with the size.
Added a green fabric for borders on each side and a pink one at top and bottom borders.
The top is now ca. 21,5" wide and 25,5" long. It is put in the basket with other tops ready for quilting.
Now I am happy to say that the bag with triangles is almost empty.
Happy Quilting
fredag 17. mai 2013
torsdag 16. mai 2013
I am getting along with quilting on the summerquilt.
Here I am testing designs to use in the sashing. Have not decided yet what it will be.
Happy Quilting
Here I am testing designs to use in the sashing. Have not decided yet what it will be.
Happy Quilting
tirsdag 14. mai 2013
This top has been laying around for a long time (think at least five years). Have now started handquilting it. It is made of blocks with dresdenplates and sasing between. I use a old duvet cover as backing and cotton batting. I am trying basting with saftypins for the first time. So far I'm happy with the result.
Happy Quilting
Happy Quilting
søndag 12. mai 2013
Some weeks ago I made two bags. Put a dresdenplate made of fabrics from the scrapbins.
Inspiration from lappemakeriet.blogspot.com
Happy Quilting
Inspiration from lappemakeriet.blogspot.com
Happy Quilting
fredag 10. mai 2013
Peek a boo
A while back my mum asked me to make a baby quilt for her. A friend was becoming a granny, and she wanted to have a spesial present.
I got some fabrics out, and found a pattern from Nathalie Bird called "Peek a Boo".
It is machinequilted by me! Simple crosses all over. I used wool batting.

Happy Quilting
I got some fabrics out, and found a pattern from Nathalie Bird called "Peek a Boo".
It is machinequilted by me! Simple crosses all over. I used wool batting.

Happy Quilting
torsdag 9. mai 2013
Dobbel weddingring quilt
The quilt is finished. It is done with EPP and reverse applique. Don't have photos of it after it was quilted by longarm machine, it is currently living at Quiltegaarden. But I do have photos of the top.
Happy Quilting
Happy Quilting
mandag 22. april 2013
Second day with Sue
Sunday we started working this quilt, called In My Garden
Here is my start of the middle. I will make rest of the quilt different to the pattern.
Happy Quilting
Here is my start of the middle. I will make rest of the quilt different to the pattern.
Happy Quilting
søndag 21. april 2013
First class with Sue Daley
Yesterday we made this
Fun to learn new ways to do EPP. It sure was a great day.
Here is some photos of a quilt Sue made, that I fell in love with.
Fun to learn new ways to do EPP. It sure was a great day.
Here is some photos of a quilt Sue made, that I fell in love with.
Back for a new class today.
Happy Quilting
fredag 19. april 2013
I am slow
But today I got a gadget for the iPad. So now I can download photos from my camera. Jippi, have so much to post about.
Will start with happenings of today.
My LQS has a visit from Australia.
Yes, it is Sue Daley. She is teaching classes and had a trunkshow today. Here she is with Siw (shopowner)
She sure had a lot of beautiful quilts to show.
I am attending class tomorrow and sundag. Are really looking forward to that.
Anyone remember these?
Finished sewing them together last week. Now ready for quilting.
Happy Quilting
Will start with happenings of today.
My LQS has a visit from Australia.
Yes, it is Sue Daley. She is teaching classes and had a trunkshow today. Here she is with Siw (shopowner)
She sure had a lot of beautiful quilts to show.
I am attending class tomorrow and sundag. Are really looking forward to that.
Anyone remember these?
Finished sewing them together last week. Now ready for quilting.
torsdag 14. mars 2013
Small quilts ready for quilting
The tops where made last year. So much other stuff has got in the way of making some progress.
I used some scraps to make these blocks.
First quilt is this square one.
Second one is this one. It is ready to get some handquilting done on it.
There are lots I have made and want to post about, but are having some problems with my PC. Will comeback back to that when problems are sorted.
Happy Quilting
I used some scraps to make these blocks.
First quilt is this square one.
Second one is this one. It is ready to get some handquilting done on it.
There are lots I have made and want to post about, but are having some problems with my PC. Will comeback back to that when problems are sorted.
Happy Quilting
torsdag 14. februar 2013
søndag 10. februar 2013
A finish
Tablerunner was finished two weeks ago, but had some hickups with loading photos.
Got that sorted tonight, so here we go.
It is handquilted using templates from my LQS. All the fabrics are also from Quiltegaarden.
Got that sorted tonight, so here we go.
It is handquilted using templates from my LQS. All the fabrics are also from Quiltegaarden.
A closeup up
Happy Quilting
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